Frequently Asked Questions

We’ve put together our most commonly asked questions, along with their answers, below.

If your question still hasn’t been answered, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us.

That’s simple… just take 2 capsule day for at least 30 days.


The reason it’s important that you take ProbioShred for at least 30 days is very straightforward.


While the miracle Microbes and Keto Salts go to work pretty much immediately, all of the clinical studies have shown us that the longer you take the Microbes and Keto Salts inside ProbioShred, the more your body can benefit.

Gut Microbes are little bacteria that live inside your digestive system...

They help break down food and produce various chemicals that either help you lose weight…

Or force you to gain fat no matter how hard you try…

In fact, thousands of studies have now proven that your balance of good vs bad bacteria is the most important factor in losing weight…

More than how much you eat or how much you exercise…

When it comes to losing weight, adding fat burning Microbes and Keto Salts is truly a miracle… Something that lets you burn a lot of fat in a very short amount of time…

These miracle Microbes and Keto Salts work directly in your gut, and they start improving digestion and burning fat at cellular level from head to toe until before you know it, not only has your sexy figure been restored, but you've rejuvenated your entire body too; your heart, your liver, your skin, your hair, and more…

And ProbioShred is packed with 8 “Miracle Microbes and Keto Salts” that are the most exciting and proven weight loss supporting compounds ever discovered…

Shown to significantly boost fat burning that will quickly work to restore your dream body you have waiting for you inside…

It’s hard to say…


My goal is to get this breakthrough in ProbioShred to as many Americans as possible, especially since ProbioShred presents such a revolution, and since the diet industry has TRIPLED the prices of their weight loss products.


My plan is to make it available to every American for just pennies a day…


Yet while that’s my goal, there are a LOT of powerful people out there who hate what I’m doing, and I know they’d love nothing more to shut me up by getting this website taken off the Internet.


So between the fact that I’m making a ton of enemies and the fact that each bottle of ProbioShred can take up to 3 months to manufacture, I simply cannot guarantee how long this site will remain online or we’ll have bottles in stock.


Which is why if you’re ready to experience the incredible benefits of ProbioShred, it’s important that you do take action today by ordering your supply.

When you click on one of the options on this page and get your supply of ProbioShred today, you’re covered by a full 180 Day, 100% Money Back Guarantee.

This means that if you change your mind about ProbioShred for any reason over the next three months, just call or email my U.S. Based Customer Service Team and we’ll refund your entire investment in ProbioShred, less shipping — quickly, and with no questions asked…

So there’s no risk to you whatsoever!

ProbioShred is made right here in the United States, in a facility that follows all GMP manufacturing guidelines…


We also have our formula tested by an independent third-party laboratory to ensure that what's on the label is really inside…


There are absolutely no fillers, preservatives, and no artificial ingredients, making this an incredibly pure, yet highly effective breakthrough in weight loss.

Winston from Arizona bought

ProbioShred 3 Pack about 45 seconds ago

John from Utah bought

ProbioShred 5 Pack about 9 minutes ago

Brandon from Massachusetts bought

ProbioShred 1 Pack about 38 minutes ago

Evelyn from Colorado bought

ProbioShred 3 Pack about 16 minutes ago

Jerry from North Dakota bought

ProbioShred 1 Pack about 58 minutes ago


